
Product Classification Codes

This page is accessed via Classification > Product Classification Codes.

Use this page to enter product classification codes.

Adding a Product Classification Code

  1. Enter the Product Classification Code ID.
  2. Enter a data version ID in the Data Version ID field.
  3. Select the domain in which this classification will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  4. Enter a classification type in the Product Classification Type field.
  5. Enter the classification code for the product in the Product Classification Code field.
  6. If the third party data provider has provided effective date and expiration date data for this classification, the fields Effective Date and Expiration Date will contain read-only information. If the data provider has not provided date data, you can enter your own effective and expiration dates.


  1. Enter a language in the Language field.
  2. Enter a Description for the language.
  3. Click Save.


Product Classification Code attributes are used to add extra information to a classification code.

  1. Enter an attribute in the Name field.
  2. Enter a value for the attribute in the Value field.
  3. The Description field has been configured to display all associated license control and license exception description attributes.
  4. Click Save.

Required Units of Measure

This section allows you to add unit of measure (UOM) details to a product classification code.

  1. Enter what the UOM will be used as in the Usage field.
  2. Select the code of the UOM from the UOM Code drop-down list. Wherever available, the corresponding description of the selected UOM is displayed in the UOM Description field.
  3. Enter the country-specific name of the UOM in the Country Nomenclature field.
  4. Click Save.

Product Classification Code Notes

  1. Enter a Note Type.
  2. Enter the language in which you want to see the notes in the Language field.
  3. The Note Value field has been configured to display all associated license control, license exception, and munitions list note attributes.
  4. Click Save.
  5. When you have completed defining the new product classification code, click Finished.

Viewing Duties and Taxes

To see duty and tax information for a particular product classification code, click View Duties and Taxes. Global Trade Management will contact the third party data provider and secure the information and then display in this page provided you have configured the external system to return information.

Note: The View Duties and Taxes button is only visible when you are working with HTS codes.

Viewing Section and Chapter Notes

To view additional notes on a product classification code, click View Section and Chapter Notes.

The section and chapter notes will be displayed in the languages you configured in the Product Classification Code Notes section.

Viewing Classification Information

If you use this power data view to see a list of classification codes, there is a SmartLink available to you, namely View Related Trade Item Structures and View Related Tariff Rates. Right-click on any ID to access the SmartLinks menu.

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