
Translation Lookup

This page is accessed via Classification > Translation Lookup.

Use this page to see if characteristics of one product classification of a particular type exist in a different classification type.

Any item can have many different product classifications associated with it (for example, ECCN US, ECCN DE, HTS US, MTS MX, Schedule B, etc.). Translation lookup offers a quick method for you to enter a classification type and code and then find a similar code for another classification type.

  1. Enter a classification type in the Product Classification Type field.
  2. Enter the classification code in the Product Classification Code field. If you do not have the entire code, enter what you have.
  3. Enter the product classification type where you wish to look up the product from the To Product Classification Type field.
  4. Specify a source system in the Source System field if it applies to this lookup.
  5. Select a service preference from the Service Preference ID drop-down list.
  6. If you wish to view the results in an expanded tree, click the Tree Results check box.
  7. Click Match. Your matches are displayed.
  8. To see a list of your search criteria, click Search Criteria.
  9. To run another match, click Match Again.
  10. To refine your search criteria, click Refine Match.
  11. To re-run the match, click Rerun Match.

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