Master Data

Service Preference

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Configurations > Service Preference.

Use this page to set service preference details for classification, translation, and screening tasks. The preferences you choose will determine the types of results you obtain from screening.

Note: It is possible to perform screening without first setting up a service preference. In that event, the system would use the public service preference, AD_HOC_PARTY_SCREENING_SERV_PREF. That preference is based on the AD_HOC_PARTY_SCREENING_PARAMETERS service parameter.

Creating a Service Preference

  1. Enter an ID in the Service Preference ID field. This is the ID that will be included in Service Preference drop-down lists on classification, translation, and screening windows.
  2. Select a domain in which this service preference will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  3. Click Finished after you have completed adding service preference details.

Service Preference Details

You can add service preferences for selected services. You can add multiple service configurations to a single service preference. Each service has a unique configuration window associated with it. The available services are:

  • Classify Item
  • Product Classification
  • Compliance Rule Screening
  • Sanctioned Territory Screening
  • Restricted Party Screening
  • Look Up Product Classification
  • Classification Verification
  • Allocate Weight by Value
  • Allocate Charges by Weight
  • Allocate Charges by Value
  • Sum Quantity and Value Line to Header
  • Sum Quantity and Value on Header
  • Convert UOMs

Classifying an Item:

  1. In the Service Preference Details section, select Classify Item Classification from the Service drop-down list.
  2. Click Parameters icon beside the Service Preference Configuration field to open the Screening Field Parameter screen.

    Note: This field will accept a maximum of 4000 characters.

  3. Select a language from the Language ID drop-down list.
  4. Enter a value in the Match Factor field. 1.0 is the maximum value - the higher the match factor, the more accurate your results will be. 1.0 is an exact match.
  5. Enter a value in the Maximum Matches field. This number will be the maximum number of results that are returned. Results will be sorted with the exact matches listed at the top of the results.
  6. Click Save. The window closes and returns you to the Service Preference window. Your service parameters are displayed in the Service Preference Configuration field.
  7. Click Save.

Adding a Product Classification Translation Service Preference:

  1. In the Service Preference Details section, select Product Classification Translation from the Service drop-down list.
  2. Click Parameters icon beside the Service Preference Configuration field to open the Screening Field Parameter screen.
  3. Select a language from the Language ID drop-down list.
  4. Enter a value in the Minimum Code Length field. The is the minimum number of code integers that will result in a match during a classification lookup.
  5. Click Save. The window closes and returns you to the Service Preference window. Your service parameters are displayed in the Service Preference Configuration field.
  6. Click Save.

Adding a Compliance Rule Screening Preference:

  1. In the Service Preference Details section, select Compliance Rule Screening from the Service drop-down list.
  2. Click Parameters icon beside the Service Preference Configuration field to open the Screening Field Parameter screen.
  3. Select an ID from the Compliance Rule Set Group ID drop-down list.
  4. Click Save. The window closes and returns you to the Service Preference window. Your service parameters are displayed in the Service Preference Configuration field.
  5. Click Save.

Adding a Sanctioned Territory Screening Preference:

  1. In the Service Preference Details section, select Sanctioned Territory Screening from the Service drop-down list.
  2. Click Parameters icon beside the Service Preference Configuration field to open the Screening Field Parameter screen..
  3. Select an ID from the Compliance Rule Set Group ID drop-down list.
  4. Click Save. The window closes and returns you to the Service Preference window. Your service parameters are displayed in the Service Preference Configuration field.
  5. Click Save.

Adding a Restricted Party Screening Preference:

  1. In the Service Preference Details section, select Restricted Party Screening from the Service drop-down list.
  2. Click Parameters icon beside the Service Preference Configuration field to open the Screening Field Parameter screen.
  3. Enter an ID in the Data Version ID field.
  4. Enter a source in the Data Source field.
  5. Enter a matching engine from the Match Engine drop-down list.
  6. Enter a value in the Threshold field. The number must be between 0 and 1. This value is used in conjunction with the weighted average match factor defined on the Service Parameter screen. Two entries are considered a match only if the weighted average match factor is equal to or greater than the threshold.
  7. Enter words that should be ignored during the screening process in the Exclude Words field. 
  8. Enter an agency code in the Agency Code field.
  9. Select a service parameter from the Screening Field Parameter drop-down list.

    Note: If you find it necessary to use punctuation marks, you must first enable the use of those marks with the gtm.rpsservice.punctuationmarks property.

  10. Select a service preference parameter from the Exclude Words Field Parameter drop-down list. When the value of the property gtm.rpls.useExclusionWords is set to GlobalExclusionWordsServicePreference, parameter-specific exclusion words will be derived depending on the option selected from this drop-down list and removed from parties and denied parties during restricted party screening.
  11. Click Save. The window closes and returns you to the Service Preference window. Your service parameters are displayed in the Service Preference Configuration field.
  12. Click Save.

(Also see Match Engines.)

A. It is highly recommended that you configure multiple service preferences (with each service preference doing a specific type of screening) rather than setting one service preference to do multiple parameter matching.
For example, you can have three service preferences which perform name screening, company name screening, and address screening as follows:
a) Name screening preference can match full name, city, and country parameters.
b) Company name screening preference can match company name, city, and country parameters.
c) Address screening preference can match full address line, city, country, and postal code parameters.
B. Each service preference should have at least one mandatory parameter. (Currently Match Default = No Match handles this.)
For example, 
a) Name screening preference should have Full Name as a mandatory parameter. 
b) Company name screening preference should have Company Name as a mandatory parameter.
c) Address screening preference should have Full Address Line as a mandatory parameter.
C. Automation agents will check the details of party and perform relevant screenings rather than screening everything.
For example, 
a) If the party has full name, the application will perform name and address screening.
b) If the party has company name, then the application will perform company name and address screening.

Adding a Look Up Product Classification Service Preference:

  1. In the Service Preference Details section, select Look Up Product Classification from the Service drop-down list.
  2. Click Parameters icon beside the Service Preference Configuration field to open the Screening Field Parameter screen.
  3. Select a parameter from the Service Parameter ID drop-down list.
  4. Select the Classification Created option if the item and classification have already been associated with each other.
  5. Select the Classification Approved option if the item and classification are already associated and approved.
  6. Select the Classification Override option if you wish to override all existing item classifications with the classification mentioned in the lookup action.
  7. Click Save.

Adding a Classification Verification Service Preference:

  1. In the Service Preference Details section, select Classification Verification from the Service drop-down list.
  2. Click Parameters icon beside the Service Preference Configuration field to open the Screening Field Parameter screen.
  3. Select classification type from the Product Classification Types list.
  4. Click Save. The window closes and returns you to the Service Preference window. Your service parameters are displayed in the Service Preference Configuration field.
  5. Click Save.

Adding an Allocate Weight by Value Service Preference:

  1. In the Service Preference Details section, select Allocate Weight by Value from the Service drop-down list.
  2. Click Parameters icon beside the Service Preference Configuration field to open the Screening Field Parameter screen.
  3. Enter an ID in the Quantity Qualifier ID field.
  4. Enter an ID in the Value Qualifier ID field.
  5. Click Save.

Adding an Allocate Charges by Weight Service Preference:

  1. In the Service Preference Details section, select Allocate Charges by Weight from the Service drop-down list.
  2. Click Parameters icon beside the Service Preference Configuration field to open the Screening Field Parameter screen.
  3. Enter an ID in the Quantity Qualifier ID field.
  4. Enter an ID in the Value Qualifier ID field.
  5. Click Save.

Adding an Allocate Charges by Value Service Preference:

Customs filing processes require that the weight and value of each declaration and declaration line be accurately understood and reported. Both the value and weight information must exist at the shipment level or errors will result when the records are processed. This page lets you specify both values. Additionally, this page helps you i the process to estimate landed costs for transactions. When run against declarations, this action helps you calculate costs that need to be sent to AES.

  1. Enter a Value Qualifier in the Allocate a charge with Value Qualifier ID field. This defines the amount being allocated across the declaration lines.

  2. Enter a Value Qualifier in the This allocation is prorated based on Value Qualifier ID field. This identifies the value used to prorate the charge.

  3. Click Save.

Adding a Sum Quantity and Value Line to Header Service Preference:

  1. In the Service Preference Details section, select Sum Quantity and Value Line to Header from the Service drop-down list.
  2. Click Parameters icon beside the Service Preference Configuration field to open the Screening Field Parameter screen.
  3. Enter an ID in the Quantity and Value Configuration ID field.
  4. Enter an ID in the User-Defined Code Profile ID field.
  5. Click Save.

Adding a Sum Quantity and Value on Header Service Preference:

  1. In the Service Preference Details section, select Sum Quantity and Value on Header from the Service drop-down list.
  2. Click Parameters icon beside the Service Preference Configuration field to open the Screening Field Parameter screen.
  3. Enter an ID in the Quantity and Value Configuration ID field.
  4. Click Save.

Adding a Convert UOMs Service Preference:

  1. In the Service Preference Details section, select Convert UOMs from the Service drop-down list.
  2. Click Parameters icon beside the Service Preference Configuration field to open the Screening Field Parameter screen.
  3. Enter a classification type in the Product Classification Type field.
  4. Select a qualifier from the Quantity Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  5. If you wish to convert the UOMs to UOM1, UOM2, DUTY_RATE_UOM1, DUTY_RATE_UOM2, DUTY_RATE_UOM3, DUTY_RATE_UOM4, or DUTY_RATE_UOM5 select the appropriate check box.
  6. Click Save.

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