Master Data

Product Classification Types

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Product Classification > Product Classification Types.

Use this page to define product classification types. Product classification types are used on the Classification Research, the Translation Lookup, and the Product Classification Code Mapping screens.

When creating a product classification type, the Product Classification type ID should be formed using the data type code and the country code.

The country code must be the 2-character ISO country code corresponding to the country to which the classification codes belong.

You should define the product classification type according to the following convention:

  • If the DataTypeCode is HS, product classification type should be HTS+<space>+CountryCode. For example, if the DataTypeCode is HS and the ISO country code is SG, then product classification type should be HTS SG.
  • If the DataTypeCode is not HS, product classification type should be DataTypeCode+<space>+CountryCode. For example, if the DataTypeCode is HS-EX and the ISO country code is EU,  then product classification type should be HS-EX EU.

The values of the DataTypeCode for the various types of classification codes are as follows:

  • HS/HTS Codes: HTS
  • ECCN Codes: ECCN
  • Munitions List Codes: ML

Adding a Product Classification Type

  1. Enter an ID in the Product Classification Type field.
  2. Enter a classification category ID in the Product Classification Category ID field.
  3. Enter a description of the classification type in the Description field.
  4. Enter a value in the Region ID field.
  5. Enter a code in the Country Code field.
  6. Enter a value in the Content Type ID field.
  7. Select a domain from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  8. Click Finished.


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