Master Data

Match Engine Overview

GTM supports the following match engines for you to select from and to specify the algorithm that will be used for restricted party screening. You can select a particular engine to be used in a screening task by specifying it in the Master Data > Power Data > Configurations > Service Preference window. Following are the match engines available:

  • Exact Match engine checks for a complete match between the party and the restricted party details.
  • Substring Match engine checks whether the party details match with that of the restricted party and vice-versa.
  • Keyword Match checks for the number of restricted party words present for the party.
  • Dice engine checks for common bigrams to calculate a dice coefficient, which in turn is used to calculate the match factor. It is used as the default match engine if no other engine is selected.
  • Inverted Index engine uses an inverse indexing algorithm for indexing restricted parties by bigrams. The occurrence of bigram characters (two characters) in the party and the restricted party data are used to compare and compute a coefficient value, which in turn is used to determine the match percentage.
  • Soundex and Metaphone engines are phonetic algorithms. These engines encode the party and the restricted party data and then apply the dice engine on the encoded results to find possible matches.

Note: The match factor determined using Exact or Substring engine will always be 0 or 1, but for other match engines it can vary from 0 to 1.

Note: If a character has an accent associated with it, GTM will consider the character and only provide a match if the accent appears on both the party and the restricted party. For example, if the party has a company name of including the word ‘Göteborg', it will not be considered a match to Goteberg where the accent is not present over the letter 'o'.

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