Master Data

Tariff Rates

This page is accessed via Master Data > Power Data > Tariffs > Tariff Rates.

A tariff rate is a tax or other fee imposed on the value of the imported products. The product classification number enables you to determine the tariff rate of your product. This page is designed to help you create, edit, and/or remove tariff rates.

Adding a Tariff Rate

  1. Enter a unique identifier in the Product Classification Type field.
  2. Enter a product-specific code in the Product Classification Code field.
  3. Enter a unique identifier in the Trade Program ID field.
  4. Enter the rate of the product in the Percentage Rate field.
  5. Enter per unit charge details in the Per Unit Charge field.
  6. Enter the current unit of measurement in the Unit of  Measure field.
  7. Select a domain in which this tariff rate will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  8. Click Finished.

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