
Product Classification Matching Formula

Product classification matching formulas are used as part of the licensing determination process on the License Line page. The determination process looks at each transaction line and attempts to identify products which may require licenses. By generating a formula that specifies certain product classifications, a license determination can be made more quickly and accurately.

Formulas can be simple or complex, depending on your needs.

Simple Formulas

Each matching element will consist of at least 3 elements in the format (TYPE) (OPERATOR) (VALUE) where

  • TYPE refers to the product classification type
  • OPERATOR describes how the match is to be made. The operator can be either "like" or "=".
  • VALUE refers to the specific information that must be matched. Wild cards (designated by %) are permitted as part of the value component.

For example, here is a simple product classification matching formula:

'HTS IT' like '8421%'


This simple formula would look for transaction lines containing products that match classifications ranging from 842111 through 842199.

Note: Single quotation marks must be placed around each TYPE and VALUE but not around operators.

Complex Formulas

Complex formulas allow you greater flexibility; the basics of formula construction are similar. The criteria can contain multiple simple formulas combined with "and" or "or". Parentheses may be used to help keep the elements of the formula clear.

For example, here is a complex product classification matching formula:

('HTS IT' like '8421%' and 'ECCN EU' = '3A001.A.3') or ('HTS IT' like '8542%' and 'ECCN EU' = '5A002')

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