Apply Product Classification Template

This page is accessed via:

  • Classification > Items > Actions > Apply Product Classification Template
  • Master Data > Items > Actions > Apply Product Classification Template

Use this action to attach product classification information to an item by way of a previously-designed template.

  1. Enter a template ID in the Product Classification Template field.
  2. Click Apply.

Note: When a Product Classification Template is applied to an item:

1. Product Classification Code, Product Classification Notes, Status, Expiration Date, and Approver Notes are overridden with corresponding values from the template, provided that the product classification types DO NOT belong to the classification category HS.
2. Product Classification Code of chapters 01-97 are overridden with the values from the template, provided that product classification types belong to the classification category HS.

Product Classification Codes related to chapters 98 or 99 on the item are not overridden with the values on the template.

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