Party Screening - Potential Matches

This page is accessed via

  • Transactions > Trade Transactions > Actions > Screening Services > Restricted Party Screening. After the screening is performed, click View Party Screening Results beside any transaction line item party ID.
  • Transactions > Trade Transaction Lines > Actions > Screening Services > Restricted Party Screening. After the screening is performed, click View Party Screening Results beside any transaction line item party ID.
On this screen you can set the screening status for restricted party screening results.  Each ID (line) will have a status displayed in the Status column. Those statuses are as follows:



Potential Match

Some similarities exist between the restricted party list and the contact being screened.

Verified Match

The contact being screened matches a name on the restricted party list and the match has been verified by a user.

Not a Match

No similarity exists between the restricted party list and the contact being screened.


The potential match was referred to another person for review.

Validating Screening Results

  1. Select a row on the Party Screening Potential Matches window.
  2. Use the Status drop-down list to the right of the selected row to designate which matches are verified matches and which are not matches.

    Note: If you have decided that the results on the page are all valid or all invalid, you can choose to mark them via a single action by clicking either Set Verified Match or Set Not A Match.

  3. Click Save.

Changing Screening Statuses

You can change the screening status for any of the restricted parties on this window. There are two methods you can use.

Method 1

  1. Select a restricted party ID by selecting the box to the left of the ID.
  2. Select the new status from the Status drop down list located to the right of the row.
  3. Click Save to record your changes.

Method 2

  1. Select a restricted party ID by selecting the box to the left of the ID. You can select multiple IDs.
  2. Click the appropriate status button at the bottom of the window (Set Verified Match, Set Not A Match, Set Escalated, Set Potential Match. The status of each selected ID will change.
  3. Click Save to record your changes.

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