Screen Restricted Parties Action

This action is accessed via:

  • Transactions > Trade Transactions > Actions > Compliance > Screen Restricted Parties
  • Transactions > Trade Transaction Lines > Actions > Compliance > Screen Restricted Parties
  • Customs > Declarations > Actions > Compliance > Screen Restricted Parties
  • Customs > Declaration Lines > Actions > Compliance > Verify Classification

If you run this action from the Transaction Manager, all involved parties will be screened. If you run this action from the Transaction Line Manager, involved parties on both the transaction line as well as the transaction header will be screened.

Note: All parties on a transaction are re-screened when restricted party screening is run on a transaction in order to assure that the most up-to-date restricted party information is being used.

  1. Select a service preference ID from the Service Preference ID drop-down list.
  2. Click Screen Party. The window reloads and displays the results of the screening process. Each transaction will have its own line.
  3. Click Expand icon beside the row to show all of the individual results for the row.

    Note: Click Collapse icon to hide all of the individual results.

  4. Click View Party Screening Results beside any Party ID to see the screening results for that Party ID. The Party Screening - Potential Matches window opens.

    Note: Even though the screening action is accessed from the Transaction screen, the actual screening looks at each transaction line. If there has been no ship-to information entered at the line level, the transaction line inherits the transaction ship-to address entered in the header.

When the action is performed on a trade transaction/trade transaction line, then statuses are set as follows for each trade transaction line:

  1. Sets status TL_RPLS=TL_RPLS_FAILED if status of one of the parties is RPLS_FAILED.
  2. Sets status  TL_RPLS=TL_RPLS_PASSED if status of all the parties is RPLS_PASSED.
  3. Otherwise sets status  TL_RPLS=TL_RPLS_REQUIRES_REVIEW.

Then it sets trade transaction status

  1. TS_RPLS=TS_RPLS_FAILED if status of one of the trade transaction lines is TL_RPLS_FAILED.
  2. TS_RPLS=TS_RPLS_PASSED if status of all the trade transaction lines is TL_RPLS_PASSED.

Note: You can define gtm.rps.involved_party_qual.exclude property with comma separated involved party qualifiers to exclude corresponding involved parties from restricted party screening and the above-mentioned status consideration.

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