
Trade Transactions

This page is accessed via Transactions > Trade Transactions.

Use this page to search for existing transactions which match compliance policies. You can also insert transactions into the database, view and/or edit existing transactions, and delete existing transactions and transaction lines.

Note: Prior to deleting any existing transaction, be sure to unassign all licenses associated with the transaction and any transaction lines.

The actions on this page also enable you to screen the transaction parties, perform a product classification lookup, perform a license assignment, run a compliance screen, and estimate duty and taxes for a transaction.

If you make changes to any of the following fields, either via the user interface or by integration, you must re-screen the transaction:

  • Compliance Policy ID
  • Type ID
  • Type Code

Note: Flex fields are available on this page. See About Flex Fields for more information.


Adding a Transaction:

  1. Enter an ID in the Transaction ID field.
  2. Enter the trade transaction type ID in the Transaction Type ID field. If you want to edit or view the trade transaction, it will be displayed using the manager layout associated with this trade transaction type ID.

Note: If you want to configure the trade transaction screen set, you have to specify the transaction management servlet as URL without indicating the manager layout on the screen set manager. Then you can edit or view a trade transaction using the manager layout specified on the trade transaction type window.

  1. Select the domain for this transaction from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  2. If needed, enter an Incoterm in the Incoterm ID field and a location in the Incoterm Location field.
  3. Enter a tariff preference type in the Trade Preference ID field.
  4. Enter Transport Mode, Conveyance Names, and Conveyance Flags in the following fields to define details of transportation used at different stages of a shipment. Use the Conveyance Name and Conveyance Flag fields to add information such as vessel name or flight number. The fields are:
    1. Departure Transport Mode
    2. Departure Conveyance Name
    3. Departure Conveyance Flag
    4. Border Transport Mode
    5. Border Conveyance Name
    6. Border Conveyance Flag
    7. Arrival Transport Mode
    8. Arrival Conveyance Name
    9. Arrival Conveyance Flag
  5. If you are looking at an existing record, click Status to view the internal statuses assigned to the record. Please note the following:
    • Transaction status will be calculated based on the top level status only.
    • Any line status (which includes its own status and the status of its immediate child lines) will be considered when the status is calculated.
    • Whenever a line's status is calculated, the status of it's parent line along with the transaction's status will be recalculated.
  1. If the transaction involves hazardous cargo, select the Hazardous Cargo check box.
  2. Enter the required country codes in the Country of Export and Country of Import fields. The country of import is used to perform actions like Look Up Trade Program, Create Declarations, and compliance screening.

Note: These fields are editable and you can enter a value in these fields only when the optional feature "USE COUNTRY OF IMPORT EXPORT DIRECT FIELD" is enabled.
When this feature is disabled, the values are derived from the party or location qualifier.

  1. In the View and Edit pages, if a declaration has been created relative to this transaction, the Declaration Created option will show a check mark. Also, Created By, Created Date, Last Modified By, and Last Modified Date information will be displayed.
  2. In the View and Edit pages, the Country of Export field will display the country corresponding to the involved party location/involved party qualifier 'SHIP_FROM' (set in the property gtm.dutyTax.dsg.shipFromLocation.locationQualifier).

Transaction Policy

The policies you define here are used during the screening process.

Adding a Transaction Policy:

  1. Select a qualifier from the Policy Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter a compliance policy ID in the Policy ID field.
  3. Click Save.

Transaction Lines

If you are viewing/editing an existing transaction, transaction lines will be displayed in a grid. If the transaction is an assembled-to-order transaction, the child lines will be indented under the parent item. If you wish to add a new child line, click New Child Line to open a transaction line window.

If you have a lower limit on the amount of transaction lines that can be displayed (see glog.query Properties), a link to view the non-displayed transaction lines will appear in this section. When you follow the link, you will be taken to the Transaction Lines manager where you can view the remainder of the related lines.

Note: If you wish to delete a transaction line, you must first unassign any licenses that have been assigned to the transaction line.


The dates you record in this section are used during the license determination process.

Adding a Date Qualifier:

  1. If you have defined any date qualifiers that are relevant to this transaction, select the qualifier from the Date Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter a value in the Date field. During license determination, this value is checked against the license effective date and the license expiration date.
  3. Click Save.

Involved Parties

Use this section to record parties involved in this transaction such as buyers, consignees, agents, etc. You can add as many involved parties as you require. Each of the involved parties will be screened when the transaction is screened and the location data will be matched to the region and country information on the compliance rule used for screening.

Note: If a child transaction line is associated with the parent transaction line, you cannot view this section in the child Trade Transaction page.

The Indicator column corresponding to each involved party displays the restricted party list screening (RPLS) status of the party. RPLS status is indicated as follows:

  • White: indicates status as RPLS_NOT STARTED
  • Green: indicates status as RPLS_PASSED
  • Red: indicates status as RPLS_FAILED
  • Yellow: indicates status as RPLS_REQUIRES REVIEW or RPLS_ESCALATED

Adding an Involved Party:

  1. Select an involved party qualifier from the Involved Party Qualifier ID drop-down list.

Note: You can specify a Transmitter ID or Filer ID as reference numbers on the party.
GTM will first check if a transmitter and/or filer is specified as an involved party. If so, GTM will use the reference number on the associated party to populate the Transmitter ID and Filer ID. If this data is not present on the party, then GTM will use the data in the properties.

  1. Enter the name of the party in the Involved Party field.

    Note: The address information for involved parties will be displayed in both the View and Edit windows.

  2. Click Save.

Involved Locations

Use this section to associate a specific region with the transaction. During compliance screening, the information in this section is matched against the region and country details on the compliance rule.

Adding a Location:

  1. Select a qualifier from the Involved Party Qualifier ID drop-down list.

    Note: These qualifiers are defined on the Involved Parties screen.

  2. Enter the location of the involved party in the Location field.
  3. Click Save.


Use this section to associate port information with the transaction.

Adding a Port:

  1. Select a qualifier from the Port Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter an ID in the Port ID field.
  3. Click Save.

User-defined Code

Use this section to add user-defined codes to a transaction. During compliance screening, codes at the transaction level will be merged with any user-defined codes entered on a transaction line. If the codes are identical, then the line level codes will take precedence during compliance screening. If the codes differ, all of them will be used during screening as if they were defined at the line level.

Adding a User-defined Code:

  1. Select a user-defined code category from the Category drop-down list.
  2. Select a user-defined code type from the Type ID drop-down list.

    Note: The available options are determined by your choice of category in the previous step.

  3. Select a user-defined code from the Type Code drop-down list.

    Note: The available options are determined by your choice of type in the previous step. For easy understanding of the user, this drop-down list displays description of the user-defined code values instead of only the codes.

  4. Click Save.


Use this section to record quantity information. You can add as many lines as you need.

Adding a Quantity Qualifier:

  1. Select a qualifier ID from the Quantity Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter a value in the Quantity field.
  3. Select a unit of measurement for the quantity from the UOM drop-down list.
  4. Click Save.


Use this section to add information about values to the transaction, based on the value qualifiers you select. You can add as many value qualifiers as you need. Additionally, value qualifier data is collected from transaction line information, summed, and displayed in this section when the Sum Quantity and Value from Line to Header or the Sum Quantity and Value to Header actions are run.

Note: Value qualifiers can also be added to a transaction by running the Execute Compliance Rules action.

Adding a Value Qualifier:

  1. Select a value qualifier from the Value Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter a currency value in the Value field.
  3. Select a currency from the corresponding drop-down list.
  4. Enter a formula expression in the Formula Expression ID field. The value of the value qualifier is calculated based on this formula expression.
  5. Select an option from the Method of Calculation drop-down list. Your list of options include the following:
    • Entered Manually: Select this option if you want to specify the value of the value qualifier.
    • System Calculated: Select this option if the value of the value qualifier is calculated using a formula assigned.
    • Calculated Externally: Select this option if the value of the value qualifier is calculated using the duty and tax values obtained from a third party data provider by executing the Estimate Duty and Taxes action.
  6. Select the Fixed check box if you DO NOT want to recalculate and override the value of the value qualifier using the modified formula on the Compliance Rule page, when the compliance rule is re-executed. Selecting this check box will also ensure that the method of calculation specified in the previous step will not be overridden. Clear this check box if you want to override the method of calculation and override the value of the value qualifier using the modified formula.
  7. Enter an additional note, if desired, in the Value Note field.
  8. Select an option from the Payment Method drop-down list.
  9. Click Save.


Use this section to add as many remarks as you require.

Note: If you later create a shipment, the Shipment ID will be created by the business number generator based on a business number rule you can define to use the remark as input.

Adding a Remark:

  1. Select a remark qualifier from the Remark Qualifier ID drop-down list.
  2. Enter your remarks in the Remark Text field.
  3. Click Save.

Reference Numbers

Use this section to record reference numbers that apply to this transaction. You can add as many reference numbers as you require.

Note: If you later create a declaration, the Declaration ID will be created by the business number generator based on a business number rule you can define to use the reference number as input.

Adding a Reference Number:

  1. Select a reference number qualifier from the Reference Number Qualifier ID drop-down list
  2. Enter the reference number in the Reference Number field.
  3. Click Save.


Use this section to record the details of equipments used for this transaction.

  1. Enter the initials of the conveyance used for this transaction in the Equipment Initial field.
  2. Enter the conveyance number in the Equipment Number field.
  3. Enter a seal number for the conveyance in the Seal Number field.
  4. Click Save.

Text Templates

Use this section to specify templates that will be used with this transaction.

Adding a Text Template:

  1. Enter an ID in the Text Template ID field.
  2. Enter a type in the Document Type field.
  3. Enter any related text in the Text field.
  4. Click Save to record the information or click Override All if you want your information to overwrite the template information already in the system.
  5. Click Finished to record your changes, or click the Document tab to add document information.

Transaction References

Use this section to view the list of OTM shipments from which this transaction is created. Details like Reference Type, Reference ID, Primary, and Data Configuration ID will be displayed.

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