Business Process Automation

Business Number Rule

This page is accessed via Business Process Automation > Power Data > Business Numbers > Business Number Rule.

Business number rules define how business number types are generated by the Business Number Generator (BNG).

Each business number rule identifies the business number type for which serialized values will be generated and the BNG that will generate them. Each business number rule also includes a rule definition, which specifies the content and sequences of the generated numbers.

Adding a Business Number Rule

  1. Enter a unique BN Rule ID.
  2. Enter a BN Type ID to identify the business number type to be generated.
  3. Select the Default check box if this is to be the default rule.

    Note: You should have only one default rule per business number type.

  4. Enter a Rule Definition. A rule definition is a picture string that defines the elements and syntax of a business number rule. Rule definitions typically consist of one of more instructions that have this structure: {sequence:argument=value}, in which a sequence of characters is defined by an argument and value.

    Note: Creating rule definitions involves writing and editing picture strings.

    Note: A rule definition is not required if the rule uses a database sequence. See Oracle Sequence Number.

  5. Enter a BN Generator ID to identify the BNG that will generate the business number.
  6. Select a domain from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  7. Click Finished.

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