
Unassign License

This page is accessed via:

  • Transactions > Trade Transactions > Actions > Manage License > Unassign License
  • Transactions > Trade Transaction Lines > Actions > Manage License > Unassign License

Use this action to unassign licenses which have been associated with transactions and transaction lines. Licenses assigned or reserved are also considered while performing this action.

After the action is run, the license balance is updated and detailed information is displayed in the Quantity and Value Balances grid of the License Line.

No additional input is required to run this action.

When the action has run, you will see a window listing the results of the action. If the action is unsuccessful, you will see one of the following messages:



Next Step

Not able to get Licenses Line details for the Transaction Line {transactionLineGid}.

No matching license details for the transaction line can be found.

The action is unnecessary.

The Currency Type of Transaction Line {transactionLineGid} is not matching to the License Line {licenseLineGid}.

The currency type designated on the transaction line does not match the currency designation on the license line.

Change the currency type designation on the transaction line.

The Quantity Type of Transaction Line {transactionLineGid} is not matching to the License Line {licenseLineGid}.

The quantity type designated on the transaction line does not match the quantity type designation on the license line.

Change the quantity type designation on the transaction line.


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