Update Product Classification Action

This page is accessed via:

  • Classification > Items > Actions > Update Product Classification
  • Master Data > Items > Actions > Update Product Classification

Use this page to update one or more product classifications.

Updating a Classification Code

  1. Select the product classification type from the Product Classification Type drop-down list.
  2. Enter the current code in the Current Product Classification Code field.
  3. Enter the new classification code in the New Product Classification Code field.
  4. If needed, enter any notes in the Classification Notes field.
  5. Enter a number in the Binding Ruling Number field. Binding rulings could be used to justify a decision to use a particular product classification code for a particular item.
  6. Enter the date from when the binding ruling is effective in the Binding Ruling Effective Date field.
  7. Enter the date till when the binding ruling is effective in the Binding Ruling Expiration Date field.
  8. Enter a rule ID in the Tariff Rules of Interpretation ID field.
  9. Click Update Classification.

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