Configuration and Administration

Add Manager Layout Fields

This page is accessed via Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Manager Layout. Click the Detail tab. Select the Configure Section option button. Click Add Field. It is also accessed by clicking the Replace icon (Replace icon) for a field.

You can add fields to a manager via manager layouts. Different fields are available depending on the manager layout being configured. Duplicate fields can be added to a tab or to different tabs.

If you replace a field then a button appears on the manager layout that allows you to easily re-add the replaced field.

Note: Not all menus allow you to add user-defined fields. The Add Field button may be available, but will cause an error if you try and add a field to a page that does not accept user-defined fields. These manager layouts include, but are not limited to, the PLANNER_TENDER_COLLAB and TENDER_COLLAB manager layouts. These manager layouts are only configurable in the sense that you can remove fields and rearrange fields but you cannot add fields that don't already exist on the PUBLIC manager layout.

Note: If you add a field to a grid, the fields should not be moved.

Adding a Field

  1. Enter a Label for the field.
  2. Select a Field from the drop-down list. Fields with a (P) are pseudo fields.
  3. If you select a pseudo field, enter a Qualifier ID for that pseudo field. This qualifier ID is stored in the database in the table related to the pseudo field, thereby indicating that the value was entered through a new field. For example if you create a new field that corresponds with remarks, the data is stored in the database in the standard remarks table, but is preceded by the qualifier you specified.

Note: If you add a pseudo field to a page that has a corresponding reference number or remark grid, the values entered in the pseudo field take precedence over the ones entered in the original grid. For example, the page you are editing already has a remark grid. You add a new field that is also for remarks. When using the configured screen the values you place in your new  field are used instead of ones that are placed in the original remark grid.

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