Business Process Automation

Monitor Event/Perform Action Options

These check boxes are located on the Assignment Criteria page of a Milestone Template. They are reached via Business Process Automation > Agents and Milestones > Milestone Template. Click Add Assignment Criteria.

For each milestone on a milestone template and corresponding milestone monitor, you can choose from the following options:

  • Monitor Event: Records that the event(s) have occurred. This option saves the event in the event history which you can review using View Event History on the milestone monitor.

    Only marking this check box, and not the Perform Action check box, is good for testing and making sure the system calls it.
  • Perform Action: Creates the milestone monitor and assigns it to the business object that triggered the event (assignment criteria only). This option also initiates any actions that you may have recorded. You can use this check box to turn on/off the creation of milestone monitors from a milestone template based on the successful recognition of the events recorded.

Results will vary depending on the combination of attributes you select. The different combinations and their results are as follows:


Monitor Event

Perform Action


Assignment Criteria



Nothing is done.




Not a valid combination at this time.




Record event, but do not assign milestone monitor to a shipment.




Record event and assign milestone monitor to a shipment.




Nothing is done.




Perform action, capture current state, but do not log in monitor_agent_event table.




Record event, but do not perform action.




Record event and perform action.

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