Business Process Automation

View Events

For the selected shipment/container, the View Event History action displays all the shipment/container events that have been received, all the active milestone monitors, and the relationship between the two.

Shipment/container events describe activity that occurs during the life cycle of shipments. For example, events can indicate that a shipment is late arriving at a location and why. Shipment events associated with milestone monitors are displayed.

Note: Not all fields displayed for a shipment are used for displaying information about a container.




Milestone Monitor

Milestone Monitor ID


Displays the event that occurred. The event is repeated on every line where a milestone has been triggered by the event.


Describes the type of equipment used to convey the shipment.


The name of the milestone followed by the stop number.

Last Milestone Event

If selected, indicates that this event is a Last Milestone Event, an event that completes a milestone monitor triggered by the shipment.

A shipment may have more than one Last Milestone Event. In addition, a Last Milestone Event is not necessarily listed last because sometimes one or two events (for example, a RESET STOP TIMERS event) occur after it.

Last Milestone Events are specified in planned milestones.


Lists the display order (level) of the milestone.

Status Code

Describes the type of event or activity that occurred.

Reason Code

Describes why a particular shipment event occurred.

Event Received Date

Date/time when the event was received by the system.

Event Occurred Date

Date/time when the event occurred.

Stop Location

For shipment events, Stop Location displays the Location ID of the stop to which the shipment event applies.

For milestones, Stop Location displays the location ID of the stop that the milestone is listening for.

Event Group

On rows where there is a shipment event, click the Event Restrictions icon to view which event groups have been selected based on the shipment event.

Equipment Group

Lists the equipment groups that apply to this shipment. Click the Event Restrictions icon to display the equipment groups.

View Comments

Click the Event Restrictions icon to display any comments that have been recorded for the shipment event.


Some data in the grid are hyperlinks that can be clicked to display more detailed information:

  • To view a milestone monitor, click its ID in the left-hand column.
  • To view the description of a Status Code or Reason Code, click its code number.

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