Shipment Management

Center of Gravity

If 3D Load Configuration is used, bulk plan can calculate the center of gravity for each shipment equipment of the planned shipment.

Calculate and Persist Center of Gravity

The center of gravity is the equivalent point at which the entire load will balance. It is a mathematical calculation. The calculation is done for length, width and height (X, Y, and Z axes). The calculated center of gravity is saved on the shipment equipment.

Note: The assumption is that the center of gravity is at the geometric center for objects.

Evaluate Center of Gravity

The buy shipment agent action "Evaluate Center of Gravity" evaluates the shipment center of gravity against user defined thresholds. You can also use an agent and the thresholds to notify a contact. If the center of gravity is out of the defined threshold, the child action is triggered. You need to configure an agent to use this new action to perform Notify Contact.

  1. Set threshold criteria in the agent configuration for each metric.
    1. The Length threshold is based on the center of the equipment, not the front wall; so from center to front, or center to rear of equipment.
    2. The Width threshold is based on the center of the equipment, not the left wall.
    3. The Height threshold is based on the equipment floor.
  2. Set a criteria for equipment utilization.
    1. Weight Utilization will be configured as a threshold to determine if the length calculation will be done. The weight utilization factor is between 0 and 1.
    2. Width Calculations are always done. (Note this threshold since OTM packs from the left side.)
    3. Height Calculations are always done.

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