Shipment Management

Equipment Group Profile Set

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Equipment Management > Equipment Group Profile Set.

An Equipment Group Profile Set allows Oracle Transportation Management to evaluate multiple equipment options within an itinerary for both the multi-leg and multi-stop algorithms. You can specify an equipment group profile set on the leg of an itinerary that supports multi-stop planning. You can specify a single equipment group profile or a set containing multiple equipment group profiles and Oracle Transportation Management will select the best fit equipment group from within each profile and rate it. The least-cost feasible option across all these equipment groups will be chosen.

The Equipment Group Profile Set ID, which uniquely identifies the set, that you define here will later be used to assign the set to a leg of an itinerary.

Use the Equipment Group Profile ID field to associate profiles to this profile set. You can assign as many Equipment Group Profiles to a set as you need.

See also Equipment Group Profile Versus Multi-modal Equipment Set.

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