Order Management

Order Base: Order Base Links

This page is accessed via Order Management > Order Management> Purchase Order > Order Base. Click the Order Base Links tab.

Order base links allow you to associate other orders with the current order. You can link between multiple orders with various order types. Then on the Order Life Time Visibility page, accessed from the SmartLinks for an order base or an order release, you can see the relationship between the different orders, as well as the different stages of each of the orders.

Note: The relationships between the order bases are bidirectional. Any order base can figure in both the previous or the next order base.

Note: Circular relationships cannot exist between orders. For example, OrderBase1 references OrderBase2 in the Next Order Base ID field. However, OrderBase2 cannot reference OrderBase1 in the Next Order Base ID field. If OB1 -> OB2, then OB2 cannot -> OB1.

Adding Order Base Links:

  1. The Previous Order Base ID grid allows you to select orders that are associated with the current order. When viewing the current order on the Order Life Time Visibility page you cannot see these orders.
  2. Click Save for each previous order base ID you enter.
  3. Enter the Next Order Base ID. The Next Order Base ID grid allows you to select orders that are associated with the current order. When viewing the current order on the Order Life Time Visibility page you can expand the tree to display these subsequent orders.
  4. Click Save for each next order base ID you enter.

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