Configuration and Administration


Logs are accessed via the Process Management sub-menu item under most menus. For example, Order Management > Process Management.

Log Types

The following types of logs exist:

  • File-based: These are accessed via the System menu selection. They include the default SYSTEM, EXCEPTION and WEB logs as well as ad-hoc logs.
  • Integration: Returns integration related data written to integration log tables.
  • Agent: Returns agent execution information written to the agent log table.
  • Agent Actions: Returns agent action execution information written to the agent log table.

Log Files

Log files record the time and severity of errors, warnings, and other system events. Log files are useful for monitoring, troubleshooting, and performance analysis.

You can create new log files to suit the needs of your system. For example, you can create log files that record events related to specific users.

When viewing log files, the log viewer can navigate between backup files. Whenever you are viewing a particular backup file (either via a Search All Backups or an explicit backup view), clicking the Next link at the end of the file automatically moves to the next backup file.

By clicking the Download Log button on the finder or finder results, you can download the selected logs in a ZIP file.

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