Shipment Management

Location Compatibility

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Location > Location Compatibilities.

You can identify and define incompatibility between locations. If you define two locations as incompatible, Oracle Transportation Management cannot create a multi-stop shipment that stops at both locations. By default, locations are compatible with each other unless they have been defined otherwise using this page.

For example, you can use this page to make sure bulk planning does not create a shipment going to two competing firms, such as two competing hamburger chains.

Note: Even if two locations are incompatible, you can still create a direct shipment between the two locations but Oracle Transportation Management cannot bundle orders with incompatible locations.

Note: Oracle Transportation Management assumes that a location with the same GID as a corporation is the master location for that corporation. If you specify such a master location as incompatible with another location, that other location will be incompatible with all locations of that corporation.

If you specify a corporation as incompatible with a location or another corporation, you can also specify specific overrides that are compatible. That is, all locations for a corporation are incompatible with one or more exceptions.

In the Location ID 1 and Location ID2 fields, select the two locations to use to define compatibility.

If you select the Compatible check box, the two locations are accessible to one another. If you clear the check box, Oracle Transportation Management denies shipments between the two locations.

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