Shipment Management

Location Profiles

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Power Data > Location > Location Profiles.

Identify and define groups of locations that have some similar attributes using location profiles. Oracle Transportation Management uses this association to match similar locations when selecting locations for shipments.

Adding a Location Profile

  1. Enter a unique identifier in the Location Profile ID field.
  2. Enter a Location Profile Name.
  3. If you select the Compatible check box, Oracle Transportation Management includes the locations in the profile in searches in other areas of Oracle Transportation Management. If you clear the check box, the locations are excluded from searches in other areas of Oracle Transportation Management and do not appear in any results.

    For example, you create a Location Profile called site_delivery to indicate that the locations in this profile can deliver goods to a construction site. Because you want the locations to be included in all searches that require delivery to a construction site, you select the Compatible check box. You then create a second profile called no_site_delivery. This second profile consists of the same locations but in this instance, the Compatible check box is not selected. Depending on whether the Compatible check box is selected, the locations in the profile are included or excluded from any searches in other areas of Oracle Transportation Management (such as Rate Manager or Itinerary Manager).
  4. Select a Domain for the location profile.
  5. Associate the location with a location by entering a Location ID.
  6. Click Save for each location ID you specify.
  7. Click Finished.

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