Contract and Rate Management

Charge Tokens

Note: BluJay Solutions Parcel (formerly Kewill Flagship Parcel Rates) is not supported.

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > Rates and Codes > Charge Tokens.

A charge token is an API key returned by an external rating engine that represents a charge. Charge tokens need to be defined on Charge token sets.

Use this page to view a list of tokens that OTM supports.

External rating engines return one of the following types of charge tokens:

  • Default charge tokens: These charges are automatically returned to OTM and do not need to be specifically requested. For example, FUELCHG.
  • Requested charge tokens: When you provide an accessorial code on the order release, then the corresponding charge token cost is calculated and returned. For example, DECVALCHG, SATDLVYCHG, CHG_ADD_HNDL, and CHG_DLVY_CONF.
  • Charge tokens that require additional information: When you provide an accessorial code along with additional details the corresponding charge token cost is calculated and returned. For example DRYICE_CHRG/DRY_ICE_CHG/ DRYICECHG and HAZMAT.

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