
Damage Notify Point

This page is accessed via Financials > Power Data > General > Damage Notify Point.

Damage Notify Point is the location in which the system first gets alerted of possible damage.

For example, while unloading a truck load of mirrors you notice one of the boxes rattles when handled and someone enters this into Oracle Transportation Management. The notification point would be at that current location. However, if the mirror was damaged but never reported in Oracle Transportation Management, then the notification point would occur at a location further down stream.

Damage notify points are designated by the user. Some examples of damage notify points are "Port of load", "Port of discharge", and "Warehouse".

Adding a Damage Notify Point

  1. Enter a unique ID for the damage notify point in the Damage Notify Point ID field.
  2. If you do not want to use the default domain, select another Domain Name.
  3. Optionally, enter a Description.
  4. Click Finished.

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