Contract and Rate Management

Rate Factor Actions

These are the actions you can perform on rate factors (accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > General > Rate Factor).

Note: The following Rate Factor Actions have been deprecated as of 6.4.3 release and will be removed from future release.

To generate new accessorial costs, update your rate factor value, and choose one of the following Actions:

  • Process Rate Factor
  • Process Unprocessed Rate Factors
  • Process Rate Factor Rule

Note: The glog.RateFactor.RoundingPrecision property has been deprecated as of the 6.4.2 release and will be removed from future releases.

Note: The optional feature "ENABLE RATE FACTOR IN MEMORY PROCESSING" is enabled by default. When enabled:
1. You cannot run the above actions. Rate factors are processed in memory while rating the shipment.

 2. When the rate factors are processed in memory, the accessorial costs are not created and assigned to the rate record or rate offering or default accessorials.

 3. If a rate factor or rate factor rule is updated, the shipment must be rebuilt or shipment cost must be recalculated for the change to be reflected for the accessorial costs in a particular shipment.

We recommend you not disable the optional feature "ENABLE RATE FACTOR IN MEMORY PROCESSING". OTM doesn't support the functionality when the optional feature is disabled as the functionality has been deprecated since the 6.4.3 release.

Process Rate Factor

Select your rate factor, and click Process Rate Factor found under Actions.

Oracle Transportation Management generates new accessorial costs for the rate factors you specified, based on all their rate factor rules, and displays a results page. OTM uses all associated rate factor rules.

Note: Oracle Transportation Management creates one accessorial cost for each rate offering, rate record, or accessorial default.

Process Unprocessed Rate Factors

  1. Select your rate factor, and click Process Unprocessed Rate Factor found under Actions.
  2. If you are running cluster scalability, specify a cluster to which this request should be assigned.
  3. Enter a User Role. When you run, publish, or schedule a recurring process, you can specify the user role used to perform the process, just like when you run agents. The user role can be used to specify a separate VPD role or another domain to run the agent. When a recurring process is modified, the user role of the recurring process can be modified as well.
  4. Select a Log Profile to generate focused logging when reproducing an error for the specific action. You cannot select a log profile when you choose to schedule a process, as automatic generation of action logs is not supported.
  5. Select Execute, Publish, or Schedule to determine when the process will be executed.
  6. Click Submit.

Process Rate Factor Rule

Select your rate factor, and click Process Rate Factor Rule found under Actions. You are prompted to enter a rate factor rule to process.

Updating a Rate Factor After Being Processed

It is important to understand that if a Rate Factor is updated AFTER being processed, this does not update the calculated/created data that was performed when processing the rate factor. Therefore manual data cleanup is necessary if you wish to update a Rate Factor.

The following steps should be done any time you want to update a Rate Factor that has already been processed:

  1. Navigate to Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > General > Rate Factor.
  2. Edit the Rate Factor as needed and clear the "Processed" box.
  3. If NOT using Accessorial Defaults:
    1. Navigate to Contract and Rate Management > Contract Management > Rate Offering/Rate Record.
    2. Find the Rate Offering or the Rate Record that uses the Accessorial Cost to be changed.
    3. Delete the changed Accessorial Cost from the Accessorials tab.
  4. If using Accessorial Defaults:
    1. Navigate to Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > Rates and Codes > Accessorial Default.
    2. Search for the Accessorial Default associated with the Rate Factor being changed.
    3. Delete this Accessorial Default.
  5. For either method, then, reprocess the Rate Factor that was changed. This last step will recreate Accessorial Cost. If using Accessorial Default, it will also recreate the Accessorial Default. If not using Accessorial Default, it will assign the Accessorial Cost to the Rate Offering/Rate Record.

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