Contract and Rate Management

Rate Factor Rule

This page is accessed via Contract and Rate Management > Power Data > General > Rate Factor Rule.

Use this page to specify what kind of accessorial to generate, and how to calculate the accessorial cost from the rate factor value.

Enter a unique Rate Factor Rule ID and a Description for the rule.

Use the Source Rate Factor ID field to associate with this rate factor rule.

Select within what Accessorial Code ID you want to create new accessorial costs. Also, select the Accessorial Cost ID you want to use as a template to create new accessorial costs.

You will need to select what kind of accessorial to generate: for Rate Offerings or Rate Records. You can generate an accessorial default or accessorials associated with rate offerings or rate records.

Note: Two options exist to link a rate offering or rate record to a rate factor:

- Generate the accessorial directly for the rate offering or rate record.
- Generate an accessorial default, have an accessorial defined on the rate offering or rate record that links back to the accessorial default.

When you have open ended data such as with a "copy factor value" type, it is better to use an accessorial default. It is easier to change the expiration date on one accessorial default than many accessorials.

If you generate an accessorial associated with a rate offering, select which rate offering. If you generate an accessorial associated with a rate record, select which rate record.

To specify how to calculate the accessorial cost, enter your values under New Rate Factor.

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