
Invoice/Bill Rule

This page is accessed via Financials > Power Data > General > Invoice/Bill Rule.

Invoice/bill rule enables you to define a rule for invoice/bill which can be used to create single or multiple invoices/bills.

For example, a freight forwarder who process bills for their customer uses customer level business terms where a third party is responsible for some of the charges associated with the transaction. In this case, a rule that splits by accessorial code can be defined. In the process manager, a query can be generated for all unprocessed sell side shipments for that customer and the defined rule will be used as a parameter. OTM will generate a bill with the base charges in one bill and separate bills for the accessorial charges. You can review the charges for the bill and create two consolidated bills: one with the base charges and the accessorial charges for the bill to party and then the other consolidated bill which includes the accessorial charges for the third party payer.

An invoice/bill rule is used for following purposes:

  • To specify a rule constraint set for matching the rule with a shipment
  • To specify the source (i.e. line origin) for the invoice
  • To assign a Bill To party to each cost
  • To group invoice lines based on specific criteria such as cost type, remarks, etc. One invoice will be generated per group.

Based on the rule you have selected, you can generate a single or multiple invoices or generate bills. For more information, see Create Invoice and Generate Bill.  

Creating an Invoice/Bill Rule

  1. Enter a unique ID for the rule in the Rule ID field.
  2. Enter a name for the rule in the Name field.
  3. Select the rule type from the Type drop-down list. You can either select invoice or bill.
  4. Select a domain in which the rule will be active from the Domain Name drop-down list.
  5. Select the Active check box to specify if the rule is active. Only active rules will be used to generate invoice/bill.
  6. Enter the dates from and till when the rule will be effective in the Effective Date and Expiration Date fields. In order to validate a rule for a shipment, the shipment start date must be within the range of the effective and the expiry dates. Also, a blank value in these fields will be considered as a valid match.
  7. Enter a Description of the rule.
  8. Enter a number to specify the priority of rule selection in the Priority Sequence field. Sequence '1' will be considered as highest priority.
  9. Enter a constraint set for the rule in the Rule Constraint Set field.
  10. Select an origin from the Invoice Line Origin drop-down list. Following are the options:
  • Shipment Cost: For this option, OTM generates one invoice for each cost line.

  • Order Release Allocation: For this option, OTM uses the order allocation records to generate an invoice or a bill. A separate invoice or bill is created for each allocation record of the order release

  • Order Release Line Allocation: For this option, OTM uses the order release line allocation records to generate an invoice or a bill.

  • Order Base Line Allocation: For this option, OTM uses the order base line allocation records to generate an invoice or a bill.

  1. Enter an ID in the Bill To Party Assignment field.
  2. Enter a constraint set for grouping lines in the Line Grouping Constraint Set field. This should be used if you have to generate multiple invoices or bills from the Buy or Sell shipment respectively.
  3. Enter a constraint set for aggregating invoice lines in the Line Aggregation Constraint Set field. This should be used for aggregating the invoice lines within a generated invoice.
  4. Enter an ID in the Data Configuration field. This field is currently not functional and will be available in a future release.
  5. Click Finished.

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