
Process All Invoices

The Process All Invoices process matches payment invoices to their buy shipments and then approves them for payment. The batch process applies to all the unmatched, unapproved invoices in the current domain. This is accessed via Financials > Process Management > Process All Invoices.

  • For matching shipments to invoices, Process All Invoices uses the match rule profiles defined and assigned to service providers.
  • For approving invoices for payment, Process All Invoices uses the auto approve rules.

Invoices are not paid immediately after processing. Prior to payment, payment vouchers must be issued and approved.

Note: This process does not handle consolidated invoices.

Note: Vouchers are always created in the same domain as the Invoice.

  1. If you are running cluster scalability, specify a cluster to which this request should be assigned.
  2. Enter a User Role. When you run, publish, or schedule a recurring process, you can specify the user role used to perform the process, just like when you run agents. The user role can be used to specify a separate VPD role or another domain to run the agent. When a recurring process is modified, the user role of the recurring process can be modified as well.
  3. Select a Log Profile to generate focused logging when reproducing an error for the specific action. You cannot select a log profile when you choose to schedule a process, as automatic generation of action logs is not supported.
  4. Select Execute, Publish, or Schedule to determine when the process will be executed.
  5. Click Submit.

After submitting the process, you can View Execution Details to see its process log, any processing errors, and other diagnostic information.

Once you submit this process, the data is stored in the database. Oracle Transportation Management periodically reviews the database to determine which processes should run based on the data that was submitted (specifically, the schedule data). For any process that you submit, you can display the data parameters and change or delete the settings.

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