
Match Rule Profile

This page is accessed via Financials > Payment Rule Management > Match Rule Profile.

The Match Rule Profile Manager enables you to group your match rules into match rule profiles. Match rule profiles can then be selected as attributes of service providers for use in automatically matching payment invoices to executed buy shipments. A match rule profile is a list of match rules that specify the criteria by which executed buy shipments can be automatically matched to their payment invoices. Match rule profiles enable you to group and sequence your match rules so they can be selected as service provider attributes.

Match rule profiles are ordered sets of one or more match rules. When an invoice is automatically matched to a shipment, the match rules in a profile are applied in sequence. When a rule finds shipments that match an invoice, the matching process for that invoice stops.

You can create a default match rule profile for matching invoices and shipments from identical service providers. You can also create your own match rule profiles for matching shipments from related or similar service providers (for example, subsidiaries).

Note: For match rule profiles to take effect they must be selected as service provider attributes.

You should create a default match rule profile to find exact matches of all your service providers. You may also need to create new match rule profiles with vendor-specific match rules.

Once one or more match rule profiles have been created, they must be selected as service provider attributes before their invoices can be matched to shipments.

Once match rule profiles have been assigned to service providers, invoices and shipments can be automatically matched using the Process All Invoices option in the Process Manager, or by using Payment Invoice Action, AutoMatch Invoices.

Default Profile

Default match rule profiles should contain at least one exact match rule. An exact match rule finds shipments from the same service provider and with identical reference number(s) as the invoice.

As an example, in the Match Rule Profile Definition box, enter a Match Rule Profile ID (for example, DEFAULT). Then enter a Match Rule ID. You can then create other exact match rules, in sequence, for this profile.

User-defined Profiles

In addition to a default match rule profile for exact matches, you may want to create match rule profiles for vendor-specific match rules. Vendor-specific match rules find shipments from related or similar service providers (for example, corporate partners or subsidiaries).

Due to the sequential structure of match rule profiles, it is generally best to list their match rules from the most precise to the least precise (narrowest to broadest). In this way, your match rule profiles are more likely to find only exactly or closely matching shipments.

  1. Enter an appropriate Match Rule Profile ID (for example, ROADWAY).
  2. Enter a Match Rule Profile Description.
  3. Enter and Save the Match Rule ID of the vendor-specific match rules that you want to use in this profile.
  4. Click Finished.

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