Contract and Rate Management

Basis Operators

You specify when Oracle Transportation Management should apply a rate cost by limiting basis options with basis operators.

You can use these basis operators.

  • <=: Less than or equal to
  • >: Greater than
  • <: Less than
  • >=: Greater than or equal to
  • =: Equal to
  • !=: Not equal to
  • Between: value1 < Basis <= value2.
  • Note: Note the less than or equal to on the right side. If you need to include value1 too, add a second statement: OR Basis=value1.

  • IN: The operator is part of a user-defined profile. A profile represents a set of similar values. For example, an equipment group profile is a group of related equipment groups.

Note: Reference Number Value is not supported with the IN operator.

  • IS WORK PERIOD: Date in basis option must be an allowed activity as defined in the calendar.
  • NOTIN: The operator is not part of a specified profile.
  • DEFICIT: Use when setting up weight breaks.

    value1 < Basis <= value2
  • Note: Note the less than or equal to on the right side. If you need to include value1 too, add a second statement: OR Basis=value1.

  • ISNULL: The specified operator is 0 or not valued.
  • ISNOTNULL: The specified operator is valued.

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