Shipment Management

Assign Backhaul Shipment

This page is accessed via Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipments > Actions > Fleet Management > Assign > Backhaul Shipment.

Use this action to assign a backhaul shipment to be processed after the completion of the selected shipment.

Note: This action will function for CLOSED-DETACHABLE shipments, but not for STATIC or DYNAMIC shipments.

Note: This action works with a non-fleet shipment if the Consider Third Party Shipments for Assignment parameter, is set to TRUE.

The assignment of a driver to a shipment can be done the following ways:
  • Manual assignment: To assign a driver manually, select the Manual option button (default) and enter a Shipment ID.
  • Best option: After clicking the More Options option button, click OK to automatically select the best option.
  • All options: Use the Show Options button (after selecting the More Options option button) to show all valid shipments. A new page opens that displays valid options along with the following fields for review:
    • Costs: Costs associated with the Primary set are the costs used to rank the driver from most desirable to least desirable. Secondary and Tertiary are informational. The Driver with he lowest primary set cost is the driver that would be selected as best option, if using that option.
    • Source Location: is the shipment pickup location.
    • Destination Location: is the shipment drop location.
    • Empty Distance: This is calculated based on the rate distance of the shipment. This is done after the assignment. This is more accurate than the maximum and minimum distances on the driver advanced filter. The distances on the driver advanced filter are direct distances based on latitude and longitude. This is done before the assignment. These two distance values are normally slightly different.
    • Start and End Time: Shows the start and end time for this selected shipment.
    • Get the Driver Home: If you leave this drop-down blank, then the Get the Driver Home parameter is used to determine if the driver's home is added as a stop. Selecting Yes ignores the parameter and will add the driver's home as a stop. Selecting No ignores the parameter and does not add the driver's home as a stop.
    • Shift End Time: Displays the end time of the driver's shift.

After reviewing the options, select the option button for the preferred shipment and click OK.

Assigning a Backhaul Shipment

Select the Assign Backhaul Shipment action. The Assign Backhaul Shipment - Override Criteria page opens. See the Override Criteria for Fleet Planning topic to complete the page.

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