Assign Rate

After making changes to a shipment or a Non-Freight Related Charge (NFRC), you can use this action to recalculate the cost. For example, if you select a new service provider or change the equipment associated with the shipment, you may want to recalculate the cost of the shipment or NFRC.

This page is accessed via the following pages. From whichever page, select Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Costs > Assign Rate.

  • Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipments
  • Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Sell Shipments
  • Brokerage and Forwarding > Job Management > Job Details

Use this action to assign the least cost rate for the current service provider assigned to the shipment and recalculate the shipment cost.

When checking effective and expiration dates, the rate finder uses the system default time zone for shipments without source locations/addresses, such as NFRC shipments.

Note: If for some reason no service provider is found on the shipment (for example, a shipment as work that has not been rated), this action also finds the least cost service provider and rate.

Oracle Transportation Management recalculates the cost for the shipment by running calculations based on the following information associated with the shipment:

  • Rate offering and record
  • Item information (including commodity profile, quantity, weight, and volume)
  • Accessorials
  • Special services
  • Equipment
  • Service provider
  • Allocation assignments

Note: You cannot recalculate a shipment cost after it is billed.

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