Shipment Management

Build Sell Shipment From Buy Shipment

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Utilities > Build Sell Shipment From Buy Shipment.

OTM rates the sell shipment based on the buy shipment allocated costs for the order releases. In this case, the following rate basis is applicable - BUY SHIPMENT ALLOCATED COST CHARGE AMOUNT.

Let's consider the following scenario:

Order Release1 has 60,000lbs

  • Buy shipments that are created for this order release are:

Buy Shipment 1 = 40,000lbs and costs $6,000

Buy Shipment 2 = 20,000lbs and costs $3,000

  • Sell shipments that are created for this order release are:

Sell Shipment 1 with part of order release 1 at 40,000lbs

Sell Shipment 2 with part of order release 1 at 20,000lbs

  • For the sell side rating, you have a rate offering with a rate record set up to increase the rate by 10%. For example,

Sell Shipment 1 = costs $6,600

Sell Shipment 2 = costs $3,300

In this scenario, Sell Shipment 1 must take the order release allocated costs from Buy Shipment 1 and Sell Shipment 2 must take the order release allocated costs coming from Buy Shipment 2.

OTM supports the creation of sell shipments from buy shipments and restricts the sell shipments to the allocated costs of buy shipments.


Buy side and sell side shipments should use the same itinerary.

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