Shipment Management

Change Equipment Group

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Details > Change Equipment Group
  • Shipment Management > Group Management > Shipment Group > Actions > Shipment Management > Manage Groups and Charges > Add Shipments to Group > Change Equipment Group

This action cannot be used if the shipment was created from a schedule with a type of Dynamic trip or Static trip.

Note: When multiple shipments are selected, only the Manual option is available. When a single shipment is selected, both the Manual and the Optimize options are available. when the action is performed on a shipment group with multiple shipments, the Manual option is available.

When you have selected the Optimize option, Oracle Transportation Management selects equipment groups for shipments/shipment groups based on the shipment's service provider, volume, weight, pickup location, delivery location, distance, and time constraints. The details of a shipment are compared to the equipment groups that are available and a match is created. If the capacity check is indicated on the shipment, Oracle Transportation Management also checks service provider's equipment capacity.

When you select the Manual option, you can change the equipment group assigned to a particular shipment/group; however, you must select an equipment group that is valid. For example, an equipment group representing railroad cars is not valid for a shipment that you want to send by air. If you select an equipment group that is not valid, you receive an error.

Running this action on a shipment group will change the equipment group for all the full shipments that are part of the group. It will also change the equipment group present at the header level of the shipment group. The action will be fail with an error if there is a failure in changing the equipment group for any of the full shipments. This action cannot be run on shipment groups which do not contain any full shipment.

Note: You can configure the maximum number of shipments in a group for which the action can be performed using the property glog.shipgroup.shipments.action.maxShipments.

Note: You can configure the maximum number of shipments in a group for which the action can be performed using the property glog.shipgroup.shipments.count.CHANGE_EQUIPGROUP_SHIP_GROUP. If this property is not set, then the value mentioned for the property glog.shipgroup.shipments.count.allActions is considered.

Note: If the secondary charge shipments on the shipment group are based on the equipment group, the modified equipment group will not be associated with the secondary charge shipments until the Reassociate Secondary Charge Shipments action is performed.

When you assign an equipment group to a shipment, you can recalculate the cost.

Note: If any shipment is carrying hazardous material, it may need to meet special requirements.

Note: The property determines if the action should check the constraints for the order release, the location, and the itinerary leg. When enabled, OTM will check the constraints.

Change Equipment Group Page

The Change Equipment Group page displays after you make a selection on the Results page.

Use the Change Equipment Group page to either:

  • Select one or more shipment equipment for a shipment to change the equipment group and recalculate the cost.

Note:When you run the Change Equipment Group action on a shipment which has multiple shipment equipment and do not select the Change Select Equipment check box, OTM changes the equipment group of all equipment. Similarly, when you select the Change Select Equipment check box, OTM changes individual equipment to different equipment groups.


  • Select multiple shipments to change equipment group of those shipments simultaneously with a particular equipment group. The result page shows modified shipments and failed shipments..

Note: When you select multiple shipments, OTM allows you to change the equipment group manually. The Optimize option will not be available.

Perform the steps below to change the equipment group:

  1. By default, the Manual option is selected.
  2. Enter Equipment Group ID by performing a search or by entering the name of the equipment group you want.

Note: If you enter an equipment group that is not a combination equipment group and the shipment has combination equipment on it, all ship units will be planned onto the input equipment group.

  1. If the rate for the shipment includes the equipment group, select the Recalculate check box. Oracle Transportation Management recalculates the cost from the rate using the new equipment group. If the rate does not take the equipment group into consideration, then changing the equipment group does not change the cost for the shipment.
  2. When you select the Recalculate check box, the Recalculate without Service Provider Change check box appears. If you select this check box, OTM recalculates the cost and will not change the service provider even if a least cost service provider is available.
  3. Select the Change Select Equipment check box to select one or more equipment on the shipment to change the equipment group.


  • You should select an equipment to change the equipment group.
  • You can select the equipment only once.
  • If a shipment/group has single equipment, Select Equipment GID is not shown.
  • If a shipment is a combination equipment shipment, Select Equipment GID is not shown. In this case, OTM will optimize the whole shipment.
  • On the action screen, if you enter an Equipment Group ID at the header level, Select Equipment GID is not shown.

If you do not select the Recalculate check box and want to change any equipment of the shipment to a different equipment group, OTM sets the new equipment group to the selected equipment. The rest of the equipment will not be modified. Cost will not be recalculated on the shipment.

If you select the Recalculate check box, OTM sets the new equipment group to the selected equipment and pass the equipment on to equipment packer and container optimizer. OTM will repeat this process for all equipment which you have selected to change. OTM will then assign the least cost service provider to the modified shipment.   

When you select the Change Select Equipment check box, Shipment Equipment GID and Equipment Group ID appears. You can select the equipment from the Shipment Equipment GID drop-down list and enter the new equipment you want to update and click Save.

Note: The Shipment Equipment GID drop-down list is a concatenation of the shipment equipment ID and equipment group ID.


Let’s look at few scenarios.

For example, shipment XYZ has the following three shipment equipments.

Note: Shipment XYZ is not a combination-equipment shipment.

Shipment XYZ has been planned with three shipment equipments:

  • S Equipment 1: 28FT DRYVAN 29000LB/900CUFT
  • S Equipment 2: 42FT DRYVAN 43000LB/500CUFT
  • S Equipment 3: 53FT DRYVAN 47000LB/75CUFT

Following is the list of shipment equipment groups.

Equipment Group:

  • 28FT DRYVAN – 30000LB, 2070CUFT
  • 42FT DRYVAN – 45000LB, 3000CUFT
  • 53FT DRYVAN – 50000LB, 3500CUFT

Scenario 1

When you change S Equipment 2 and S Equipment 3 to 28FT DRYVAN and do not select the Recalculate check box then equipment groups will change though the capacity check fails and cost will remain same.


  • S Equipment 1 – 29000LB on 28FT DRYVAN (max weight 30000LB)                               
  • S Equipment 2 – 43000LB on 28FT DRYVAN (max weight 30000LB)                               
  • S Equipment 3 – 47000LB on 28FT DRY VAN (max weight 30000LB)

Scenario 2

When you change S Equipment 2 to 53FT DRYVAN and S Equipment 3 to 28FT DRYVAN and select the Recalculate check box then the Change Equipment Group action fails because S Equipment 3 fails the capacity check.


  • S Equipment 1 – 29000LB on 28FT DRYVAN (max weight 30000LB)                               
  • S Equipment 2 – 43000LB on 42FT DRYVAN (max weight 45000LB)                               
  • S Equipment 3 – 47000LB on 53FT DRY VAN (max weight 50000LB)

Scenario 3

In this example, the existing costs are – $175 flat change, $306 per 53FT DRY VAN, $477 per 42FT DRY VAN, and $200 per 28FT DRY VAN.

When you change S Equipment 1 to 42FT DRYVAN and S Equipment 2 to 53FT DRYVAN and select the Recalculate check box then equipment groups will change and costs will be recalculated.  

New costs are - $175 flat change, $306 per 53FT DRY VAN, $477 per 42FT DRY VAN.  

Note: 53FT DRYVAN is charged though shipment contains two S Equipment.


  • S Equipment 1 – 29000LB on 42FT DRYVAN (max weight 45000LB)                               
  • S Equipment 2 – 43000LB on 53FT DRYVAN (max weight 50000LB)                               
  • S Equipment 3 – 47000LB on 53FT DRY VAN (max weight 50000LB

Scenario 4

If an equipment group is a combination equipment group.

When you change a combination equipment shipment or change equipment to a combination equipment, OTM will not allow you to change individual shipment equipment. You should change all the shipment equipment on the shipment.

Assign Best Equipment Group

To employ this method, select the Optimize option.

Optimization takes the shipment/shipment group as input, and uses all the valid equipment groups for this shipment/group. The equipment groups can range from the order/location/leg compatible equipment group if a parent leg exist on the shipment, to all the equipment groups from the equipment defined on the shipment. The least cost option will be selected.

This does not apply to containers.

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