Shipment Management

Change Stop Time

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Details > Change Stop Time.

Use this action to change the planned, estimated, and actual arrival/departure time for any stop on the shipment.

Note: If the shipment is infeasible as the result of your change, you receive an error message. A shipment is infeasible when the date and time you select for a stop causes one or more orders to arrive outside their pickup or delivery time window.

The top of this page lists the stops that are on the shipment. To change the time, select a stop by marking the option button next to it. Then choose one the following time options. The appropriate arrival/departure time appears based on the stop that you selected. The Recalculate check box indicates whether the shipment times will be recalculated. You can set the default for this check box in a user preference.

  • Planned Time: Select this option to change the planned stop time for a particular stop on a shipment and specify whether to recalculate (or redrive) the stop times for the remaining legs of the shipment (using the Recalculate check box). This action works only when a shipment is in the planned status. Once the shipment status has changed to TENDER_ACCEPTED, this action will not work.

Marking the Fixed check box prevents the planned time that you enter from being changed by subsequent re-drive or a related shipment.

Therefore, the following shipment statuses can prevent this action from performing: SECURE_RESOURCE:ACCEPTED, SECURE_RESOURCE: PICKUP NOTIFICATION, LOAD_PLAN:LOADED, and ENROUTE: ENROUTE. (However, this means that the planned stop dates for a shipment can still be updated when a shipment has a status of: SECURE_RESOURCE:TENDERED, or even SECURE RESOURCES_WITHDRAWN.)

  • Estimated Time: Select this option when you want to change an estimated arrival/departure time for a stop, re-drive subsequent shipments, and update the estimated arrival/departure times on these shipments. A shipment must be in "actual" status to perform this action. You cannot perform this action if the shipment status is SECURE_RESOURCES: NOT_STARTED, or is in the planned state. However, you can successfully edit a shipment's estimated dates when the shipment has a status of SECURE_RESOURCE: TENDERED.
  • Actual Time: Select this option when you want to change an actual arrival/departure time for a stop, re-drive subsequent shipments, and update the estimated arrival/departure time on these shipments. To perform this action, a shipment must be in "actual" status. A shipment must be in "actual" status to perform this action. You cannot perform this action if the shipment status is SECURE_RESOURCES: NOT_STARTED, or is in the planned state. However, you can successfully edit a shipment's actual dates when the shipment has a status of SECURE_RESOURCE: TENDERED.

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