Shipment Management

Change Voyage Schedule

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Details > Change Voyage Schedule

From a Shipment page, this action retrieves all the schedules either from the external or internal systems based on the planning parameters defined in the Parameter Set. of the Voyage Schedule section. You can select a particular schedule and assign it to one or more shipments.


The following validations occur when you select multiple shipments and perform the action:

  • If you want to change voyage schedules for multiple shipments, the voyage ID and the service provider must be the same for all the selected shipments.
  • All selected shipments must have the same values for the fields: Source Location ID, Destination Location ID, Service Provider, and Rate Service.

Find Schedules

This interim page allows you to enter constraints. 

This action can change to a voyage with a different service provider. Therefore, shipment stops, service providers, rate records, rate offerings, and rate services on a shipment can change. Data changes must be compatible.

The following are the inputs for the Find Schedule page:

  1. You can specify a new Voyage ID. If specified, other input fields are still checked if populated. This is useful if the voyage has multiple ports that match the shipment. Also, you can select the same voyage but change the port of load and/or port of discharge.
  2. You can enter a Service Provider Profile to show all voyages associated with the service providers in the profile. Select the Exclude check box and enter a Service Provider Profile if you want to show voyages for all service providers except those specified in the profile. 
  3. The Port of Load and Port of Discharge are derived from the shipment.
  4. The Earliest Departure Time is the earliest date the new voyage can depart the port of load. This field is pre-populated with the earliest date of order movement on the shipment. 
  5. The Latest Arrival Time is the latest date the new voyage can arrive at the port of discharge. This field is pre-populated with the latest delivery date of the order movement of the shipment.
  6. Click Find Schedule. The Voyage Schedule page opens.

Note: The Voyage Schedule screen can display the schedule either related to internal or external voyages if you define the Rate Service Type as VOYAGESHEDULE (for internal voyages) or as EXTERNALVOYAGESCHEDULE (for external voyages) and then configure the Parameter Set of the group Voyage Schedule. 

Note: For the external voyage schedule, the application always fetches the schedule using the departure date. On the result page, you can use the arrival date to further filter the results to view them.

Voyage Schedule

The Voyage Schedule result page is similar to the result page of the Ask Voyage Schedule screen with the following additional options related to this action:

  1. The Redrive Downstream Shipments check box is selected by default. This option is used to redrive downstream shipments. OTM will neither redrive past tendered shipments nor their downstream shipments.
  2. You can select the Downstream Location Profile ID field that redrives downstream shipments only if the destination location of the current shipment belongs to the selected profile.
  3. The Redrive Upstream Shipments check box is selected by default. This option is used to redrive upstream shipments. OTM will neither redrive past tendered shipments nor their upstream shipments.
  4. You can select the Upstream Location Profile ID field that redrives upstream shipments only if the source location of the current shipment belongs to the selected profile.
  5. Click OK to continue or Back to return to the previous page.

Shipment - Change Voyage Schedule

If the selected shipments are processed successfully, the Shipment - Change Voyage Schedule result page displays the list of Affected Shipments.

If some of the selected shipments fail, the result page displays the list of Affected Shipments and Unaffected Shipments.

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