Shipment Management

Split Booking for Multiple Bills of Lading

The Split Booking for Multi BL action is used when the customer has requested a multiple Bill of Lading for documentation purposes even though the freight is booked into a single shipment and has not been split. In this case, the action splits the sell shipment, but the corresponding buy shipment (if there is one) is not split. The end result is a multiple Bill of Lading on the Sell Side Shipment and one Bill of Lading on the Buy Side shipment.

The Split Booking for Multi BL action prompts how the selected shipment should be split. Once executed, it sets the Memo B/L check box on the Job to false indicating that the Job uses a Multiple Bill of Lading Process.

Note: This action can only be performed on sell side shipments.

Documentation Split Options

Select how the sell shipment should be split for documentation purposes only.

Documentation Cost Options

Select how the sell shipment costs should be split for documentation purposes only.

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