Shipment Management

Choose Least Cost Service Provider

This action is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Service Provider > Choose Least Cost.

A service provider is responsible for carrying freight. A service provider is assigned to a shipment during the planning process. You may want to select the lowest cost service provider manually to return to the system assigned service provider after changing a shipment's service provider.

The system runs processing that determines which service providers can transport the shipment based on the following:

  • Geographic location of the stops.
  • Transportation mode requirements.
  • Pickup and delivery time restraints.
  • Equipment requirements of the shipment.
  • The type of cargo on the shipment.
  • Rates assigned to the service providers.
  • Communication methods. The communication methods between the planner and the service provider are matched.

From the service providers that meet the requirements for the shipment, Oracle Transportation Management selects the one with the lowest cost based on rating information assigned to the service providers, and tenders the shipment.

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