Shipment Management

Shipment Document

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or Sell Shipments. On the Documents tab, click the Edit icon next to a standard document.

Use this tab to manage documents associated with the shipment.


In this section, revisions to the selected document are listed.

Use the icons to interact with standard document revisions.


This section lists status types and status values. This information enables you to track the progress of the document filing.

Text Templates

View any text template associated with the document. A standard document can be associated with one or more text templates, based on the document type and transaction. For example, a HAZMAT warning can be necessary on a bill of lading if the shipment holds hazardous material.


This section displays any reviewer assigned to this document. Reviewers receive notifications of document state and content changes. Each reviewer’s approval is required before the document content can be finalized.


This section displays any subscriber assigned to this document. Subscribers receive finalized content.

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