Shipment Management

Relay Shipment Swap

This page is accessed via Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipments. Select Actions > Fleet Management > Manage Relays > Relay Shipment Swap. In the simplest, case a relay move involves two trucks swapping trailers at an intermediate point; the relay location.

Use this action to create a swap relay shipment. A swap relay shipment allows shorter haul drivers to meet at a pre-determined location and time and exchange trailers and return back home quickly. For example, one driver has a load from Los Angeles to San Francisco and another has a load from San Francisco to Los Angeles. They can pre-arranged to meet half way, exchange trailers, deliver the new load, and return home.

For new shipments in relay shipment swap actions, the power unit ID is copied.

If you need to undo this in the future, you can use the Revert Swap action.

Note: This action does not work for static trip, dynamic trip, flight, voyage, ground service, or depot shipments.

Note: This action does not work on equipment repositioning shipments.

Note: This action will function for CLOSED-DETACHABLE shipments, but not for STATIC or DYNAMIC shipments.

Entering a Swap Relay Shipment:

  1. Enter the Relay Location ID to record where the relay will occur.
  2. For the first shipment:
    1. Select the Shipment Stop before or after the swap location.
    2. If the relay occurs before the listed stop, select the Insert Relay location before existing stop check box.
  3. For the second shipment:
    1. Select the Shipment Stop before or after the swap location.
    2. If the relay occurs before the listed stop, select the Insert Relay location before existing stop check box.
  4. Click OK.

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