Shipment Management

Reposition Actions

This page is accessed via Shipment Manager > Shipment Manager > Buy Shipments. Select Actions > Fleet Management > Reposition.

A repositioning move is a shipment that moves a driver and/or equipment from one place to another.

Merge Repositioning Move

If both repositioning move and target shipments have been assigned a driver, both drivers must be the same in order to move. The stops and equipment (if any) of the repositioning move will be merged to the target shipment. If the target shipment has no driver and the repositioning does have a driver, that driver will be assigned to the target shipment.

Split Repositioning Move

If a transport shipment contains one or more non-freight related stops at the beginning or end, these stops can be split into a new shipment representing a repositioning move.

If any equipment is picked up or dropped off at one of the non-freight related stops, the resulting shipment represents an equipment reposition move and this equipment must be both picked up and dropped off within the boundary of the shipment.

The sequence is important. You select a 'transport' shipment; run the action and select a 'reposition' shipment. You cannot do it the other way around.

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