Shipment Management

Re-Transmit Tender

Use this action to re-send a tender offer that was previously sent. This action does not affect the tender status or any other data changes that may have occurred from when the original tender was sent. It simply re-transmits the original tender offer. Use this action only when an intended recipient did not receive an original tender offer. If anything changed about the tender offer since it was originally sent, you should withdraw the original tender and use the Secure Resources action to send a new tender.

When you perform this action for broadcast or spot bid tender, the re-transmit screen displays the list of feasible service providers if the property, glog.tender.opentender.servProvRuleCheck, is set to true. You can also view the list of infeasible service providers on this screen when the property, glog.tender.opentender.showInfeasibleServProvs, is set to true.

The application checks feasibility of service providers based on tender constraints.

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Shipment Manager