Shipment Management

Schedule Partial Stop Appointment

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Operational Planning > Dock Scheduling > Schedule Partial Stop Appointment
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell Shipments > Actions > Operational Planning > Dock Scheduling > Schedule Partial Stop Appointment
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Shipment Stops > Actions > Operational Planning > Dock Scheduling > Schedule Partial Stop Appointment

Use this action to create a partial appointment on a shipment stop based on a commodity or an equipment. If based on a commodity on ship unit, you can schedule an appointment for the ship units having the same commodity on the same equipment. You can also schedule an appointment for just one of the equipment on the shipment.

Note: Only one equipment or commodity can be selected when running this action.
Multiple commodities, even if belonging to same commodity group, cannot be scheduled together.
If an appointment exists for a stop, created by the action Schedule Appointment, that appointment has to be removed before running this action.

Scheduling a Partial Stop Appointment

  1. Select an option from the Stop Location drop-down list. Based on the option selected, a list of the equipment associated with the shipment at that particular stop will be displayed. When you expand an equipment ID, you will be able to see the list of the commodities associated with all the ship units on the stop for that equipment.
  2. Select the check box against the required equipment/commodity/ship unit. If you select a commodity, all the ship units under that commodity will be selected, and you can assign them to a door. Ship units for multiple commodities can be assigned to one door. 
  3. Click Schedule or Show Options.

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