Shipment Management

Change Service Provider

This page is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments or  Sell Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Service Provider > Change Service Provider.

A service provider is responsible for carrying freight. Oracle Transportation Management assigns a service provider to a shipment during the planning process.

Note: This action cannot be used if the shipment was created from a schedule with a type of Dynamic trip or Static trip.

You can select a new service provider for a shipment from a system-generated list of valid service providers. Oracle Transportation Management determines which service providers can carry the shipment based on the following:

  • Geographic location of the stops
  • Transportation mode requirements
  • Pickup and delivery time restraints
  • Equipment requirements of the shipment
  • Type of freight on the shipment
  • Rate offering and rate record information
  • Communication methods (the planner and the service provider must have a communication method in common)

To determine preferred service providers, it must be a valid service provider according to the above and it must be defined as preferred in rate preferences.

The following properties can be set to define defaults when running this action:

Changing Service Providers

  1. If the Ignore Constraints page appears, select any constraints that you wish to ignore.
  2. Click OK. An interim page opens which displays valid service providers.

    Note: The default values for the following check boxes are in the web server property file.

  3. Select the Allow Alternate Equipment check box to be able to change the equipment to a different valid available equipment.
  4. Select the Allow Alternate Mode check box to be able to change to a valid alternate mode.
  5. Select the Allow Infeasible Service Time check box to allow service times to be early or late for order pickups and dropoffs. There must still be a valid time window.
  6. Select the Allow Digital Freight Rates check box to display digital freight rates along with other rates.
  7. Choose a rate preference from the Rate Preference drop-down list. The values are:
    • Do Not Use Preferred Rates: No preferred rates will be displayed.
    • Preferred Rates Only: Only preferred rates will be displayed.
    • Preferred Rates If Available: All rates will be displayed.

    Note: Preferred rates are displayed with a check mark icon indicator.

  8. Click Refresh to see the changes if you selected any of the check boxes to ignore additional constraints.
  9. The table shows service providers and statuses. The previously tendered service providers are indicated by their status in the Status column. The rest are indicated as Available. The current selection is marked as Current. The list is displayed in the following order: available, previous selections. Within available and previous selections, service time infeasible ones are at the bottom (marked by an hour glass with a red X - see the legend on the page). The list is ascending based on cost within each group.
  10. You can click the Carrier Analysis button to show historic data. The related dashboard opens.
  11. After determining the service provider you want, click OK.

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