Shipment Management

Set Appointment Priority

This page is accessed via:

  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Operational Planning > Dock Scheduling > Set Appointment Priority
  • Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Sell Shipments > Actions > Operational Planning > Dock Scheduling > Set Appointment Priority
  • Shipment Management > Group Management > Shipment Group > Actions > Operational Planning > Dock Scheduling > Set Appointment Priority

This action sets the appointment priority on the shipment or shipment group. Although you can also set the appointment priority directly on a buy shipment, you can also use this action to set appointment priorities to single shipments.

Setting the appointment priority:

  1. Enter an Appointment Priority ID.
  2. If you are running cluster scalability, specify a cluster to which this request should be assigned.
  3. Enter a User Role. When you run, publish, or schedule a recurring process, you can specify the user role used to perform the process, just like when you run agents. The user role can be used to specify a separate VPD role or another domain to run the agent. When a recurring process is modified, the user role of the recurring process can be modified as well.
  4. Select a Log Profile to generate focused logging when reproducing an error for the specific action. You cannot select a log profile when you choose to schedule a process, as automatic generation of action logs is not supported.
  5. Select Execute, Publish, or Schedule to determine when the process will be executed.
  6. Click Submit.

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