Shipment Management

Set Operational Locations

This action is accessed via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments > Actions > Shipment Management > Change Shipment Stops > Resequence Stops.

This action allows you to manually set Operational Locations for each stop location on the shipment. Each stop is listed with its corresponding location. If there are any Operational Locations assigned to the location, they will appear in the associated drop-down list. If there are no values in this list, then no Operational Locations were assigned to the location.

When Operational Locations are used, the Operational Location will be the stop location and your main location will be your Parent Location. You can see this in the view shipment page.

To have Oracle Transportation Management automatically use Operational Locations during planning, select the Assign Operational Locations to Stops check box on the appropriate itinerary.

Related Topics

Operational Locations

Itinerary - Assign Operational Locations to Stops