Shipment Management

Informational Shipment Detailed Cost

Access the Shipment Manager page via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments (or Sell Shipments) and click the Financials tab. Scroll to the Informational Cost Type section and click New Informational Shipment Cost to access the Informational Shipment Cost page. Then click the New Informational Shipment Detailed Cost button.

The Information Shipment Cost information on this page is associated with the Information Cost data and represents detailed cost data from the Display rate or Original rate of the shipment.

  1. Select a Cost Type from the drop-down list. The Cost Type field shows what type of cost it was. For example, whether it was a base cost, accessorial, stop-off charge, etc.
  2. Enter a the amount of the cost in the Shipment Cost field.
  3. Enter a general ledger code. If a general ledger code was assigned to the shipment cost, it will appear here.
  4. Any appropriate Accessorial Codes or Special Service Codes appear on this page.
  5. Click Save.

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