Shipment Management

Informational Cost Type

Access the Shipment Manager page via Shipment Management > Shipment Management > Buy Shipments (or Sell Shipments) and click the Financials tab. Scroll to the Informational Cost Type section and click New Informational Shipment Cost to access the Informational Shipment Cost page.

Often, you must have a shipment cost number for your shipment documentation. This is called the display rate. The display rate can either be the TACT rate, which is a standard published set of rates, or the original shipment cost. This page keeps track of the display rates. When the Spot Cost action is run, the original cost data is moved into these fields.

  1. Select an Informational Cost Type from the drop-down list. The informational cost type is either Display, which will use the Display rate specified via the rate offering, or Original, which represents the original cost of the shipment.
  2. Enter a Shipment Cost. The shipment cost is the Display rate, the Original rate, or the Weighted cost of the shipment.
  3. Record any details in the Detail text box.
  4. If applicable, enter an ID in the Shipment Informational Cost Qualifier ID field.

Informational Costs

The Shipment Detail Cost section contains detailed cost data from the Display rate or Original rate of the shipment.

  1. Click the New Informational Shipment Detailed Cost button to add new costs.


  1. You can add remarks to the shipment cost. This section allows you to log any extraneous information you want to keep with the cost. This data is carried through the financials process and passed along to both the customer bill and the carrier invoice.

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