Shipment Management

Spot Cost

Use this action to change the cost of the shipment. This action is helpful when changing the cost of an air shipment that was originally set up to display a TACT rate. This is often necessary because the shipment must ship with documentation containing cost data. TACT rates are standard published rates that are often used for documentation. The actual cost will then be charged to the customer later. The Spot Cost action can be used to enter that actual cost. Spot Cost is a sub-action of Change Shipment Details.

When used, you must enter a Spot Cost Number, as well as Contact information and Remarks. The old cost data is rolled up and stored at Shipment Information Cost data.

The new Cost you enter here then becomes the new shipment cost. The cost type will be Base.

The Allows Spot Rating check box on the Service Provider manager must be selected or this action will fail.

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